
BoonToken is available on ShibaSwap!

Buy BoonToken on ShibaSwap!

$1 for change

We believe we can make a difference. Have you ever thought about if everyone in the world handed you $1? You would have almost 7.9 Billion Dollars!? Do you know what kind of change can be done in this world with 7.9 Billion Dollars?!


Features of BoonToken

BoonToken is the Charity Cryptocurrency of the World!  Through every transaction, 1% is deposited into a charity wallet.  Every 2 weeks, the charity wallet will be withdrawn and the money will be donated to a different charity ALL OVER THE WORLD!




BoonToken has a built in taxation into the Smart Contract.  With every transaction, a 4% fee will be taken.  1% goes into the charity wallet that will be donated to a different charity all over the world.  1% will go back into the Liquidity Pool to make the token more valuable with each transaction.  1% will be distributed across all holders.  The final 1% will go to the developers for marketing, liquidity, and giveaways.  All of which makes holding Boon more valuable for you!

Token Tax - Total 4%

Future Supported Global Charities


This timeline details our funding and
development goals.

  • May 29th 2021

    Creation of the idea of
    BoonToken project

  • June 5th 2021

    Domains Purchased and Website design began

  • July 6th 2021

    Smart Contract completed and verified on Etherscan

  • July 15th 2021

    BoonToken Liquidity added to ShibaSwap

  • Q1 2022

    Have minimum of 5 reputable charities accepting BoonToken

  • Q4 2022

    Partner with over 100+ reputable charities partnered with BoonToken and accepting BoonToken directly on their website for direct donations

BoonToken © 2024 All rights reserved.